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Up Hill and Down Dale 4 hour Virtual rogaine
From Saturday 25 May 2024
To Monday 10 June 2024

Welcome to the 2024 virtual 4-hour rogaine “Up Hill and Down Dale”.

results       gallery

This year’s event area includes Mt Arawang, Mt Taylor, McQuoid’s Hill, Urambi Hills and the Tuggeranong valley suburbs of Kambah, Oxley and Greenway. The start location is at Kambah Woolshed off Springbett Street, near the junction with O’Halloran Circuit. This is shown as a triangle near the centre of the map and is located on the red gate. There is a toilet open during daylight hours in the Kambah Woolshed building near the start. The course uses the MapRun app on your phone or watch to record your visits to control sites; there are no control flags. 

The event has now finished, but the course still remains live on MapRun so download and print a copy of the map and course setters notes and head out. Links below.

Thank you to Paddy Pallin for supporting the event by allowing ACTRA to have maps in the store for people to collect.

Views 7 Control site teaser 3     

Link for Map

Link for Course Setters Notes


You will need the MapRun App on your smartphone or watch to record your visits to control sites; there are no controls flags. See the virtual events page for instructions and a link to download the app.

For a successful, safe and fair event:

  • Keep out of private property. In particular, the area marked in purple on the west side of the map is explicitly out of bounds, so plan your route accordingly.
  • Obviously residential land is also out of bounds – do not go across people’s gardens.
  • Cross roads with care. Use crossings, underpasses or traffic lights where possible, especially on Tuggeranong Parkway, Drakeford Drive, Athllon Drive and Sulwood Drive.
  • Apart from your phone or watch running the MapRun app, GPS instruments, altimeters and pedometers are not allowed. You may only use the map provided and your compass.
  • You must complete the course on foot. Bikes and other means of transport are not allowed.

There are patches of blackberries and lots of seed heads from St Johns Wort that may scratch your legs in the grasslands.

You’re responsible for your own safety. So plan as you would normally for a run or bushwalk. Make sure you carry enough water for your needs.
Julie Quinn via Committee contacts page link above
 Coordinator  Julie Quinn
 Setters and Vetters  Jon Glanville (setter), Julie Quinn (vetter), David Baldwin (vetter)
 Map Maker  Jon Glanville
 First Aid  Self-administered
 Control Collection  Not required
 General Help  Not required
 Catering  BYO Toasties