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ACT Spring Rogaine
Saturday 27 November 2021, 11:00am - 11:00pm


The Tarlo has been Tangoed and the Towrang bridge across the Wollondilly didn't flood (it was close). Thanks to all the rogainers who came along to enjoy some fun in the bush, to our setters and vetters, landholders and caterers.


As the rogaine is in NSW, we willSpring 21 Tarlo be operating under the NSW COVID-19 restrictions.  This means you must be double vaccinated to participate in the rogaine.  You must also bring evidence of your vaccination status. It will be run Covid safe - split starts, mask wearing at registration, social distancing.  Remember that the lockdown may have eased but the virus hasn't.

You can choose a 6 hour or 12 hour course.The course has been designed with easier controls on well-defined features, and more challenging controls for those looking for a physical and navigational challenge.   The 12 hour event will start at 11am and the 6 hour event will start at midday.

Entry fees are $55 full, $40 concession. Late fee of $10 applies after Sunday 14 November.

Tarlo River National Park has excellent spur and gully rogaining country with open understory.  The flowers will be in full bloom and the moon will be up – not that you’ll need much extra light with the long daylight by then.  The Hash House will be on private property adjoining the National Park and free camping is permitted.  You are welcome to camp on both the Friday and Saturday nights. Catering will not be available on the Friday night or Saturday morning so please be self-sufficient in food and water.

Catering will be provided by Hartley Life Care.

We would really like some help to bring the controls in on Sunday after the event.  So take up the opportunity to see some of the area you missed during the event !!


 Final instructions Tango in Tarlo

Thank you for getting vaccinated and entering the Spring rogaine. Team leaders, make sure that everyone on your team reads this document.


COVID-19 Measures

If you have recently returned from overseas, or if you have travelled from a known COVID-19 ‘hotspot’ without a designated period of quarantine/isolation; or if you are awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test; or if you are feeling unwell, or have flu-like symptoms, or if you have not been double vaccinated for COVID, please stay home.
All travel into regional NSW requires that you carry evidence of your double vaccination status – paper copy or download onto your phone. The NSW check-in app will not work at the HH as there is poor reception. Please ensure your contact details on the application form are correct.
Vaccination helps but does not completely stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, we will do our best to make this event as COVID safe as possible. For example, only one member of the team needs to come to registration. We would prefer you wear a mask at the admin tent although this is not mandatory. Bring the completed indemnity forms for each member of the team already completed and signed. This will avoid milling around rego and save you time! Maps, notes and Navlight tags will be handed out with minimal touching.
Please drop your team-numbered flight plan directly into the box provided. Touch points at the toilets will be cleaned regularly.
At each water drops we will have 2 pumps inserted into water containers. Please use the hand sanitiser available before and after touching the pumps. Please maintain a safe 1.5m distance from other teams - including while doing your route planning, at the briefings, at the start and finish, and when approaching controls.
We have made the navlight punches hands-free by strapping them to the same feature as the control flag, mounted perpendicular to the feature and ready to use without needing to touch it with your hands. Just present your navlight wrist tag to the reader so the navlight flashes in the usual way.

Indemnity form
Please bring to the event a printed and completed indemnity form located above. Check the team list for the event to ensure that all details for your team including category are correct. If incorrect, please contact the Event Contact prior to the event.
Ensure that all team members sign a separate indemnity form. Parents or guardians must sign for people under 18. Also provide registration number(s) of your car(s) at the Hash House.
Present your completed indemnity forms at the registration desk. Only one team member needs to come to rego.
Medical advice: All competitors should consider advising their partner of any pre-existing medical conditions (such as diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, susceptibility to anaphylaxis) that may require first-aid action on course. This should include a description of the symptoms, the required first-aid action, and the location in their bag of any medication (such as sugar, ventolin, epi-pen, anti-histamines).

How to Get There

Please make an effort to share transport – covid safely. It will help reduce parking at the HH and will make a small contribution to lower greenhouse gases emissions. Every bit
The Hash House is located on a farm at 321 Long Swamp Road, Greenwich Park near Towrang, north east of Goulburn. It takes 1.5 hours to get there from Canberra and is 75kms.

Coming from Canberra

Take the Federal Hwy and then Hume Hwy past Goulburn. About 6.5kms past the most northern exit into Goulburn, turn left toward Towrang. Travel along the Towrang road for 21 kms and turn left onto the Long Swamp Road. Rogaine direction signs will be at the corner. It is about 5kms along this road to the HH site and it is mostly gravel, narrow, pot-holey and windy. It has also been very wet and could be slippery – please drive slowly.

Coming from Sydney

Take the Hume Hwy approx. 23 km south of Marulan. Turn right towards Towrang and follow the instructions above.

Registration, Map Availability, Start Times

Registration will open at 9am. The start will be split with the 12 hour teams starting first at 11am. The 6 hour teams will start at midday.
To register, only one team member needs to come to register and collect maps. We’d prefer that person wear a mask at registration and will need to bring:

  • first aid kit, so that it can be checked. See below for what it must contain; and
  • one completed indemnity form per team member.

Electronic scoring: The Navlight system of scoring will be used. Only two tags per team will be handed out at rego regardless of the number of team members.
You will also be given A3 pre-marked maps, with control descriptions on the reverse side, course setter’s notes and an A4 copy of the map to be used as a flight plan.

We recommend that you arrive at least an hour prior to the start of the event to allow enough time for final preparations and route planning. Each team must mark their intended route on the flight plan and hand it in before starting.

Note: We hope it will not happen, however if the low level crossings (on the Brayton and Towrang roads) across the Wollondilly River are flooded on Saturday, we will have to cancel the event.

Map and Course Details

There is one A3 sized map at 1:25,000 with 10 m contour interval. It will be on the usual tough Teslin paper. Magnetic north lines are marked on the map. Out of bounds areas are marked in pink shading. The area is all native bush except for the farmed areas in the south. The altitude ranges from 600m to 780m and it is generally hilly. Gaiters are very strongly recommended for the low scratchy bushes but more importantly snakes. They will be out of hibernation, hungry and aggressive!!! Please clean your shoes and gaiters to avoid bringing in any weed seeds into the Park.


Please bring enough water for Hash House use and for at least 6 hours on the course. There are 2 water drops, but unfortunately not where we would like to have them placed. The Park Service has not permitted us to drive into the National Park. The 12 hour teams in particular will need to plan their route carefully. We do not recommend drinking any water found on course without sterilising it first.

Post-event Catering

Hartley Lifecare will provide a sausage sizzle, veggie curry, salad, toasties, fruit, cake, coffee and tea for tango from approximately 5.30 pm. Please bring your own plate, bowl, cup and cutlery.

Please Bring to the Event

  • Completed indemnity form for each team member.
  • Contact or map case optional. The map will be printed on Teslin waterproof paper with control descriptions on reverse side.
  • Coloured pens, pencils, scissors, highlighter pen, table and chairs or board for map preparation.
  • Some food for before and/or during the event.
  • Your own plate, bowl, cup and cutlery for post-event catering.
  • Water for your use at the Hash House and to start the event with (there is no running water on site).
  • Portaloos will be at the Hash House. You may like to bring your own hand sanitiser.

Carry on Course

Mandatory Equipment

  • Whistle (per person)
  • Basic first aid kit (including 2 compression bandages and 1 wound dressing) (per team)
  • Headtorch

Other items we recommend that you carry

  • food for the event;
  • water for at least 6 hours;
  • compass;
  • gaiters – very strongly recommended for scrub and snake-bite protection;
  • watch (you must not use your phone). A stopwatch function is useful;
  • pen/pencil and paper to write Navlight 3 letter code if the Navlight unit fails to work;
  • mobile phone for emergency contact – and not for anything else;
  • a Personal Locator Beacon for emergencies;
  • space blanket (per person);
  • sunscreen, sun-hat, sunglasses;
  • appropriate clothing to wear for the forecast conditions (currently showers and 25 degrees). Take a raincoat, warm jacket, beanie, thermals.

Mobile Phone Coverage

Mobile phone coverage is only available on the higher areas of the course and poor to non-existent otherwise. The Hash House number will be 0147 148 006. If it is an emergency try calling 000 or set off your PLB. If you don’t already have it, download the “Emergency Plus” app onto your phone. It will allow you to tell emergency services your GPS location.


No pets; no alcohol; no firearms: no fires.
No altimeters, pedometers or GPS-capable devices such as watches and smartphones.
Smartphones may be carried for emergency use only - they cannot be used for time-keeping
or photography.

Summary of some of the Event Rules and Scoring

The only navigational aids permitted are the maps we provide together with your compasses.

All team members must remain within earshot of each other at all times.

All members must simultaneously get to within 5m of each control point.

All team members must punch their Navlight tags at each control to score points.

If a Navlight punch has failed, record the three letter code visible inside the end of the punch.

Competitors must not enter out-of-bounds areas. Please read the course setters notes.

The organisers may disqualify a team if it acts against these rules or against the spirit of the event.

A team can retire a member at the hash house. This will finish that team's event. A new team can form but it must start with zero score.

Late Penalty: 10 points per minute (or part) late. Disqualification if more than 30 minutes late.
If teams score equal points then the first team home will have a higher rank.

Presentation and Awards

We will have a covid-safe prize presentation about 30 minutes after the end of each event. We will put up the results on the website ASAP after the event.
Food and drinks will be available from approximately 5.30 pm. Please bring your own chair, picnic rug, plate, mug and utensils.

Location Tarlo River NP
Jeannie Douglass
 Coordinator  Jean Douglass
 Setters and Vetters  Ron Simpson, Jean Douglass, Keith Thomas, Lorraine Tomlins, Peggy Douglass
 First Aid  Needed
 Control Collection  Needed
 General Help  needed
 Catering  Hartley Lifecare